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Allergan Breast Implants

As a leader in the medical aesthetics industry, Allergan is committed to providing the highest quality education to women considering breast aesthetic surgery so that you, along with our surgeon, can make an informed and educated decision about what is right for you. For more than 25 years, Allergan gel and saline breast implants have been available to women in more than 60 countries for breast augmentation and reconstructive surgery.
Breast Implants


  • Your Choice of Implants

    Berkeley Square Medical uses Implants from Allergan, Mentor and Nagor only.
  • Patient Reassurance

    Allergan Breast Implants Natrelle ISPIRA and Anatomical 410/510 are FDA approved and CE marked to reassure both consultants and patients of our commitment to the highest standards for quality.
  • Lifetime Warranty

    All implants with Berkeley Square Medical come with a 10 Year warranty against rupture of the implant or severe capsular contracture.
  • You Choose

    Over 700 choices of breast implants in shape, size and texture

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+44(0)203 811 8175

    Considering any cosmetic treatment is a significant step forward. Your consultation with Mr. Shoaib and our Team will provide clarity, expert insight, and honest guidance — focused entirely on your goals.

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    Allergan Breast Implants


    Allergan Implants

    Allergan’s range offers women the industry’s widest range of safe and high-quality breast implant options. From saline and silicone gel filler, to smooth and textured surfaces and varying shapes, to low, moderate and high profile (projection) and a range of volumes, women today have more options than ever before in breast aesthetics. This is critical to a woman’s ability to achieve an individualised, aesthetic result based on her unique body type and surgical goals.

    Natrelle™ INSPIRA™ Round Implants

    A line of next generation round gel-filled breast implants that provides plastic surgeons with even greater choice.  The INSPIRA® range was developed to address plastic surgeons’ need for additional innovative breast implant products that offer a customized fit and natural looking results to complement a woman’s unique body.

    The INSPIRA® range offers over 300 next generation round, smooth and textured breast implant options, and has been available to patients for nearly a decade.

    Natrelle™ 410 & 510 Anatomical Implants

    The Natrelle™ 410/510 is designed with a shape that mirrors the curves of the natural breast shape. It features an anatomically shaped silhouette to appear more natural. The gel is designed to stay in place by using a highly cohesive gel filler that holds together uniformly and stays in place. Furthermore, the Natrelle™ 410/510 has no gel migration observed through 7 years in ruptured implants.

    Statistics show that the Natrelle™ 410/510 has a 69% lower capsular contracture rate and less than 1% rippling effect than other implants.

    CUI Breast Implants

    Here at Berkeley Square Medical, we are more preferential to the Natrelle INSPIRA and Natrelle™ 410/510  implants over the CUI Implants on one key factor that CUI Breast implants never achieved FDA (USA) approval, unlike the Natrelle range. CUI implants are regularly (if not always) used in discounted breast enlargement procedure prices for this very reason.

    Technology of Allergan Natrelle™

    INTRASHIEL™ Barrier Technology

    The Natrelle collection breast implant composition imageNatrelle`s implants are also manufactured with a unique barrier technology design that offers an extra layer of protection, minimising the chance of rupture and gel diffusion. The patented INTRASHIEL™ Barrier Technology is an additional barrier layer that sits underneath several layers of high performance elastomer, designed to improve shell integrity.

    BIOCELL™ Texturisation

    Natrelle implants can be manufactured with a smooth outer shell or a textured outer shell. BIOCELL™, Natrelle`s patented textured shell, was designed to give superior tissue adherence. In turn, this ensures that the implant maintains the proper position in the breast. In addition, clinical trials have also shown that the BIOCELL texturisation is effective in reducing the incidence of capsular contraction and implant rotation.

    TruForm™ Silicone Gel

    Every silicone gel-filled implant in the Natrelle range is manufactured with their patented TruForm™ silicone gel, which acts like a soft solid rather than a liquid. Cohesive silicone gel does not spill or move in the unlikely event of the implant rupturing, making it a safe option for patients.

    Natrelle`s TruForm gel range comes in four different options, each offering a different look and feel.

    • TruForm 1 is a traditional soft cohesive gel which is very mouldable to the breast shape, featured on the Natrelle INSPIRA round implants
    • TruForm 2 is a stable cohesive gel that offers a natural look and feel with shape control, featured on the Natrelle INSPIRA round implants and the Natrelle 410 anatomical implants
    • TruForm 3 is the original form cohesive gel, featured on the Natrelle 410 anatomical implants
    • TruForm Dual Gel combines two cohesive gels, TruForm 3 and a firmer cohesive gel, featured on the anterior portion of Natrelle 510 anatomical dual gel implants


    Sanjay Rai


    Berkeley Square Medical
    • World Renowned Medical District

      Located on Harley Street, London. Considered one of the top medical districts worldwide.

    • Regulated By the Care Quality Commission

      Fully accredited hospital regulated by the UK Care Quality Commission UK (CQC).

    • Award-Winning Hospital

      Winners of "Best Private Hospital London" at the Medical Aesthetic Awards.

    • Consultant Led Practitioners

      All practitioners are GMC Consultants in their respective specialisations of practice.




    • What’s the difference between round and anatomical (tear drop shaped) implants?

      Round implants add volume to the upper part of the breast giving a lifted look, while contoured (anatomical) implants give a more discreet look more in keeping with the natural shape of the breast.
    • What is ‘profile’?

      This is the ‘projection’ of the implant – so how far it will stand out. We make a variety of different profiles to fit different women and the looks they want to achieve. High and extra high are the largest, while medium and low are more subtle.
    • Why are there so many different shapes and sizes?

      Because women are different shapes and sizes, and want to achieve different looks. Whether you’re considering curvy silhouette, would like to create small-but-perfectly-formed breasts, or restore fullness after losing weight. All will need a different shape, size and profile implant, so we offer an expansive range to choose from to find your perfect fit.
    • How do I decide the size and shape that’s right for me?

      Breast size and shape should be something to talk about with our surgeon. You’ll also want to discuss whether to use round or anatomical shaped implants and review the many choices of size and weight available. In fact as mentioned, there are over 700 different choices when deciding on the right implant.

      You’ll need to think before your consultation about the shape and overall size that you are seeking, then talk with your surgeon about which implants will get you as close to your desired shape as possible.

      Your body’s size and characteristics, along with your desire for a specific shape and size, will usually dictate what is possible. You should be aware that after implant surgery one woman’s breasts will be different to another’s even though the same implant size and shape were used – your natural breast tissue, amongst other things, affects the results.

    • What if they’re too big or not big enough?

      Many women believe they will be too large after surgery and ask their surgeon to choose a smaller size than they actually want. However, you will likely become more comfortable with your new breast shape after surgery… in fact, many wish they had opted for a larger size after all, so keep that in mind.

      A good way to really to show you feel is to collect photos of breasts you admire and to discuss them with our surgeon.

    • What if I want to go really big?

      It’s your body and it’s your choice. Some women desire a larger implant than fits their natural body proportions. However our surgeon must assess whether it is advisable, safe and in your best interests when evaluating the elasticity of your skin and other health factors.
    • Will they look fake?

      It depends on what your goal is. Each woman’s body is different, and before and after photos of women who have had breast implant surgery aren’t always representative of what you’ll look like. If you want natural-looking results, our surgeon will advise you accordingly on the right implants for a natural enlargement.
    • How long will my new breasts last?

      Your breast implants will need to be replaced during the course of your life. Implants are not lifetime devices and are subject to wear and tear like any other implant device e.g. Tooth fillings, heart valves, hip joints.
    Sanjay Rai

    Make Your Enquiry

    +44(0)203 811 8175

    Any questions, enquiries, or just looking for a consultation? Simply send your enquiry here and we will get back to you with a reply promptly.

      Considering any cosmetic treatment is a significant step forward. Your consultation with Mr. Shoaib and our Team will provide clarity, expert insight, and honest guidance — focused entirely on your goals.

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        Considering any cosmetic treatment is a significant step forward. Your consultation with Mr. Shoaib and our Team will provide clarity, expert insight, and honest guidance — focused entirely on your goals.

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